- Do you love working with kids but sometimes feel as though you’re running up a down escalator? Do you feel frustrated that despite all your great work you often feel as though you’re back to square one?
- If you answered, “Yes!” Then you’re definitely not alone. I’ve often felt like that and I know many other practitioners do too.
- Right now are you ready to make a difference?
- Are you passionate about improving the emotional health and wellbeing of children?
If you’re a practitioner working with kids or their parents this programme is for you. This course is the magic formula to help you make the difference you’re ready to make to families
I invite you to join me on . . .
The Fabulous Parent Programme Online Course for Practitioners
Book your place on the next course
Choose a start date to suit you. email: info@mosaic-cc.com
Why Do You Need to Take This Course?
- If you’ve been working to improve the Emotional Health and Wellbeing of children for some time and want to make even more of a fantastic difference to their lives the Fabulous Parent Programme is for you.
- If you are currently working only with children and want to get even better results this programme will give you a structured step by step approach to involve children’s greatest influencers; their parents.
- If you just work with individual parents or groups of parents, I’m sure one of your most frequently asked questions is ‘how can we improve family relationships and manage our child’s challenging behaviour.’
The Fabulous Parent Programme is the answer.
I know I’m good at what I do but sometimes I get really frustrated just like you do. I work really hard in the sessions to support the emotional wellbeing of children but a lot can happen outside of the session to make me feel like I’m back at square one.
In this transformational course my aim is to help you make a difference to the lives of children and their parents by guiding you through a 6 sessions coaching model for parents to take them from where they are now to Fabulous. Getting parents actively involved in the emotional health and wellbeing of their children is the magic formula that turbo charges your progress and success.
Whether you’re a counsellor, coach or any professional working with children or their parents this course is for you.
During the Fabulous Parent Programme I’ll show you how to…
- Structure a 6 – 8 week coaching programme for parents
- Improve the emotional health and wellbeing of children by working with their parents
- Create confident and skilled parents
- Gain maximum leverage helping kids through their parents
- Improve your skills working with children even more as you go
- Invest once and re-use with individuals or groups of parents
- Build continuous professional development hours at a time to suit you
- Develop even more confidence in your own skills and expertise
- Add another skill set to your toolkit
- Increase your earnings by offering this course to paying clients
What Makes The Fabulous Parent Programme Different?
You’ll finish with practical tools for increasing parent’s skills, self-awareness and confidence.
During the Fabulous Parent Programme:
I’ll be sharing the essential toy kit needed to develop the emotional health and wellbeing of children aged 4 – 11 years old. I’ll give you all the information sheets you need to run the programme over and over with individual parents or with groups of parents.
There are plenty of wonderful courses you can take and events you can attend that instruct you how to teach parenting skills or develop parent’s confidence and self-esteem and I encourage you to try those out and never stop learning and growing. However, this course combines personal development and support for the parent at the same time as teaching core skills for therapeutic parenting. Also it specifically builds on and enhances the quality of the relationship between parents and their children.
When you dive into the Fab Parent Course you’ll have a great resource for future reference when working with kids and parents. It’s a practical approach that any parent that’s ready can embrace and because I value your knowledge and experience I’ll be encouraging you to add your own special touch to the mix.
One change that starts to happen when you do the work is that you will:
- Refine your core skills when working therapeutically with children
- Build your confidence and expertise coaching parents
- Become an even more reflective practitioner
- Make the programme your own with your own special blend of magic
This will result in you making a real difference to the lives of children. You will be instrumental in improving family relationships and developing the emotional health and wellbeing of children. By reflecting on your own practice and learning experientially along the way you will become an authentic practitioner and that’s what will get you great results.
What You Can Expect
The Fabulous Parent Programme is not just an ebook to be read and put to one side.
It’s a workbook with online lessons that build into a resource as you work your way through the programme.
It becomes your personalised guide for future reference.
You will be coaching parents and teaching them the basic skills and how to create the core conditions to conduct a 30 minutes therapeutic play session with their child.
The benefit of your work with parents will have a direct affect on children.
Children feel heard and understood on a deeper level and their confidence and self-esteem grows.
Challenging behaviour is reduced and children learn more self-control. Parents feel empowered to play a part in developing the emotional health and wellbeing of their child and at the same time their self worth as a parent improves.

Let me break things down for you.
When you complete The Fabulous Parent Programme you can expect:
- Greater results in your work with children as you introduce the magic ingredient
- To have a step by step approach to coaching parents
- To have tools at your fingertips to use with parents
- To feel supported all the way by me
Here’s an overview of what you will receive:
- 8 Video Lessons delivered weekly
- Practitioner Development Exercises uploaded each week
- 6-8 week Parent Coaching Programme
- Core Skills for direct work with children
- Covers practitioner’s Values, Strengths and more
- Relaxation Techniques
- Certificate of completion
Also included:
Parent Worksheets:
- 20 exercises / information sheets uploaded as you need them
- Parent play session guide and cheat sheets
- Parent values, strengths, skills and more
The Fab Parent Course Curriculum
The Fabulous Parent Programme helps you turn your ideas about the importance of
involving parents into a plan you can act on right away. Here’s what you can expect:
The programme is an 8 weeks course for you and guides you to schedule 6-8 coaching sessions with parents. Some parents might need a little longer at each stage but the flexibility is there for you to allow parents to go at their own pace. We don’t want to make parents run before they can walk and by the same token you can choose to go through all the modules yourself before starting with parents or take parents on the journey with you just staying one step ahead. The modules become available at weekly intervals but you will have online access to the material for 6 months.
Week 1
The introduction will set the scene for you and go further into why this course is right for you. I’ll share with you what motivated me to write the Fabulous Parent workbook and online course and I’ll make some suggestions about how to get the best out of the material. Your personal experience and input will make all the difference, so get ready to be a reflective practitioner.
Week 2
Here’s where we start to dive right in. I’ll give you an overview of the whole programme and we’ll start to look at your transferable skills. Whether you work with children or just with parents you have the skills to make the difference you’re striving for. This course is right for you but won’t suit every parent so we’ll identify those parents that really want to step into your VIP area and learn from you and discuss the things you need to consider for that first meeting.
Week 3
Each session will have your tasks clearly outlined for you. In session one I’ll introduce you to the Fab Play guidelines and the essential toolkit that parents will need to enable their kids to express their emotions in a way that’s fun and therapeutic. We want to start boosting parents self esteem so in this session we help our parents to identify their top strengths and start to renew or strengthen the bond with their child.
Week 4
This is when your parent will start their play sessions. I’ll take you through the steps to help your parent feel confident to try out some basic skills and to understand the benefit in keeping some notes to help you coach and refine their interactions with their child. Core values are so important to all of us in general life and as parents. Many people never clarify their core values but in this session you will have the tools to help parents get ahead of the game.
Week 5
Using your parent worksheets that are included with this programme you will be able to develop your coaching skills and your parents reflective and responding skills. After each session the parent holds with their child you will give them support and feedback about how they’re doing. What’s great is that while you help parents think about how they take care of themselves, in this session I’ll be challenging you to think about yourself too. As helpers and healers we really need to take care of ourselves as well as others.
Week 6
I will help you to focus more and more on your parents skills and in the process you will reflect on your own practice and refine your skills working with parents and working with children. The special playtime that you will be guiding parents to conduct with their child is central to the programme and you will start to feel that you’re making a difference to the lives of families. We’ll be looking at relaxation techniques in this session and the different types of praise that children (and adults) need to help them flourish.
Week 7
By this stage I’ll have given you all the essential ingredients for a Fab Play session. With practice, your supervision and coaching, parents will have the basic skills as play therapists under their belts. You won’t be teaching parents theory just the basic skills all parents can learn. We’ll be looking at what stresses they’ve had in the past year and also the situations that children find stressful and how children’s stress shows through acting out behaviour or becoming quiet and withdrawn.
Week 8
This is the final session of the programme both for you and for your parent. So it’s a time for your parent to ask final questions and check out anything that they’re not sure about. There’s a little exercise to celebrate how far the Fab parent and child duo have come and a certificate of completion for you too. Another great thing about this course is the many hours of continuous professional development you’ll get working through the course at a pace to suit you.
And Finally…
We wrap the course up but you’ll have access to all the material for 6 months from your start date and access to me via email for as long as you need me. When you’ve completed the programme I want to be able to help you really make the most of it, so I’ll be there for you along the way and afterwards.
And most important . . .
You will encourage parents to continue with the Fab Play sessions for as long as they want to. Fab parenting and the benefits last a lifetime it doesn’t end when the course ends.
Meet Mo
My mission in life is to make a difference to the lives of children by helping you to help children.
Join me and together “Let’s Make a Difference”

Your mission becomes my mission and we can do this together.
I’ve been a counsellor and psychotherapist for over 20 years. I started my career working with adults and I love that work and still work with adults to this day. 10 years ago I was able to realize my long time ambition of working with children and now have 1000’s of hours experience working with kids.
The Fabulous Parent Programme brings together my special mix of skills, which include training, coaching, supervision, play therapy and psychotherapy. Not to mention the special bit that is just Mo.
I’m really looking forward to being a part of your journey.
What Happens When You Take The Fabulous Parent Online Course?
This course will transform how you think about your work with children
Join me for the Fabulous Parent Programme and you’ll see how just adding the secret ingredient makes everything you do in your work with kids fall into place. You’re already doing fantastic work and this is that nugget that will take your success to another level.
- Imagine if you no longer felt exasperated about the lack of progress in your work with children due to negative experiences between sessions . . .
- Imagine if you could give frustrated parents the magic formula to strengthen their bond with their child and tackle challenging behaviour at home . . .
Of course there’s no magic wand. Parents have to use the formula and do the work. Your help will make a big difference to the right parent and child.
The Fabulous Parent Programme will help you manifest that transformation.

Why I Created The Fabulous Parent Online Course
During the time that I’ve been supervising, coaching practitioners and running creative therapy workshops, I’ve lost count of the occasions when I’ve been asked the same question . . .
How can we work with parents to enhance the work we do one to one with children?
Practitioners who work with children are always looking for creative ways to make even more of a difference.
The Fabulous Parent Programme is another string you can add to your bow. Involving parents in the emotional wellbeing of their children is a fantastic strategy that teaches skills for life and will have far reaching benefits.
Research suggests that when parents conduct a therapeutic half hour with their child once a week the benefit can be up to 10 times greater than a child working with a therapist!
Play Therapy is good. Add parental involvement and that’s even better!
When you register for The Fabulous Parent Online Course you get some special bonuses and you can take advantage of our payment plans.
Here’s a breakdown of your bonuses:
- You will receive the Fabulous Parent Programme: Practitioner’s Workbook worth £47
- And you will receive the Power Point Presentation slides as a visual aid to use at each parent meeting worth £87
That’s £134 worth of bonuses!
Have Questions? We Have Answers.
The Fabulous Parent Programme FAQs
What’s the schedule for the course? Can I take it at my own pace?
The first module will be delivered on your chosen start date and you will receive each of the following modules at weekly intervals. You will have access to all the course material for 6 months from your start date.
If I’m not a Counsellor, is this course still for me?
If you work with children or their parents in a professional capacity, then this course is definitely for you. Whether you’re a counsellor, coach or school support worker, you will be able use this course to help children and families.
What can I expect from the training?
The training is very practical with an experiential component. You will be reflecting on your own experience and skills at the same time as learning a model for coaching parents.
Is there a payment plan?
Yes there is!, You can choose to Buy Now or choose our Easy Payment Plan.
When do I get my Special Bonuses?
You will receive your Special Bonuses along with your final lesson.
How many times a year do you host this training?
Let me know when you want to start and I’ll make it happen for you. Sign up now to make sure you don’t miss out.
How will the course be delivered?
The Fabulous Parent Programme online course will be delivered using Life Coach Office, which has been developed by Universal Coaching Systems. Life Coach Office is simple to use and the system works great on computers, smart phones and tablets. Life Coach Office has full technical support and many other features that you will find helpful during your course.
Do I get any interaction with you Mo?
Once you enroll for the Fabulous Parent Programme you can email me to ask questions or to get support anytime you need to. I’ll be happy to help. Opt in to the VIP option and you get 3 coaching sessions included. This is great value and makes sure that you get a flying start and continue as you mean to go on.
I have more questions!
No problem. If you have any additional questions, just submit them here!
And Now, for a Recap
When you take the Fabulous Parent Online Course you’ll:
- Refine your core skills when working therapeutically with children
- Build your confidence and expertise coaching parents
- Become an even more reflective practitioner
- Make the programme your own with your own special blend of magic
- Achieve greater results in your work with children as you introduce the magic ingredient
- Have a step by step approach to coaching parents
- Have tools at your fingertips to use with parents
- Have the potential to increase your income by offering the course to paying clients
- Gain many hours of Continuous Professional Development
- Feel supported all the way with unlimited email support
When you register for The Fabulous Parent Programme Online Course
you get £134 in bonuses and you can take advantage of our payment plans.
Buy Now and Start Right Away!
Fabulous Parent Programme PRO
- 8 Video Lessons
- Weekly Emails
- Weekly Audios
- Fabulous Parent Workbook
- Fabulous Parent Worksheets
- Fabulous Parent Presentation Slides
- Unlimited Email Contact
- Delivered Through Life Coach Office -
- 3 Coaching Sessions (Value £283)
Fabulous Parent Programme PRO (Payment Plan)
- 8 Video Lessons
- Weekly Emails
- Weekly Audios
- Fabulous Parent Workbook
- Fabulous Parent Worksheets
- Fabulous Parent Presentation Slides
- Unlimited Email Contact
- Delivered Through Life Coach Office
Fabulous Parent Programme VIP
2 VIP Places ONLY!- 8 Video Lessons
- Weekly Emails
- Weekly Audios
- Fabulous Parent Workbook
- Fabulous Parent Worksheets
- Fabulous Parent Presentation Slides
- Unlimited Email Contact
- Delivered Through Life Coach Office
- 3 Coaching Sessions (Value £283)
- 2 VIP Places ONLY!
Fabulous Parent Programme VIP (Payment Plan)
2 VIP Places ONLY!- 8 Video Lessons
- Weekly Emails
- Weekly Audios
- Fabulous Parent Workbook
- Fabulous Parent Worksheets
- Fabulous Parent Presentation Slides
- Unlimited Email Contact
- Delivered Through Life Coach Office
- 3 Coaching Sessions (Value £283)
- 2 VIP Places ONLY!